a) INTENT (eager in pursuit of an object) + MOCK (to mimic; to imitate)...others suggest objects to tempt ones consent to mimic following aka self subjection.
b) LAS VEGAS aka SIN (departure of moral agent) CITY (center)...the suggestions by others tempt one from center (perception within perceivable) into surrounding, hence from being regent (life) within agent (inception towards death) into reacting to others aka self subjection.
In short...if form (life) ignores flow (inception towards death); then it mocks (mimics) other form.
Sleight of hand: "If you (form) like to gamble; I'm your man (flow)...you win some; lose some; it's all the same to me"
a) INTENT (eager in pursuit of an object) + MOCK (to mimic; to imitate)...others suggest objects to tempt ones consent to mimic following aka self subjection.
b) LAS VEGAS aka SIN (departure of moral agent) CITY (center)...the suggestions by others tempt one from center (perception within perceivable) into surrounding, hence from being regent (life) within agent (inception towards death) into reacting to others aka self subjection.
In short...if form (life) ignores flow (inception towards death); then it mocks (mimics) other form.
Sleight of hand: "If you (form) like to gamble; I'm your man (flow)...you win some; lose some; it's all the same to me"