There is a belief like celibacy and the warrior. It gave Samson his strength. Then he laid with a woman and she turned him into a queer, cut his hair, painted his nails, promised him a dowry. His strength departed. She milked it.
This of course provided the warrior monk.
But it's pusedo science. Your ejaculate reproduces. It does this until your balls have fully shriveled on aging.
Best of luck to you.
Ditto. I just wanted a debate.
There is a belief like celibacy and the warrior. It gave Samson his strength. Then he laid with a woman and she turned him into a queer, cut his hair, painted his nails, promised him a dowry. His strength departed. She milked it.
This of course provided the warrior monk.
But it's pusedo science. Your ejaculate reproduces. It does this until your balls have fully shriveled on aging.
But your strength must be drilled.