Which is exactly why They are turning everyone against Whites. They currently are the last bastion of organized resistance. There are a few problems with this....
One, they have repeatedly turned peoples and nations against Them to the point they are kicked out of nations, banned, and/or harmed, e.g., Guatemalan village.
Attacking Whites will be harmful for them in the long run as Whites are the ONLY group which extends in-group respect to out-group peoples.
Third, many groups are waking up. If/When White norms of civil interaction are no longer the rule, They will be persecuted. They won't have European norms of mercy.
It is a sad situation for all as everyone will be negatively impacted.
You must have missed the memo... Other races have rose up and spoken out about the true nature of history. Particularly US history and how Whites actually weren't the profiteers of the slave trade. They formed alliances with Whites and were all just dismissed as "supremacists".
The propaganda confusing and the resulting mistrust between the various peoples of the West has locked us into a death spiral. Whites are now at the point where the warnings for Blacks were given.
There was an actual written up thread about this not long ago.
Which is exactly why They are turning everyone against Whites. They currently are the last bastion of organized resistance. There are a few problems with this....
It is a sad situation for all as everyone will be negatively impacted.
If the various nigger races rise up against the jew? I'm going to be at that bonfire with a bucket of popcorn and a tanker of gasoline.
You must have missed the memo... Other races have rose up and spoken out about the true nature of history. Particularly US history and how Whites actually weren't the profiteers of the slave trade. They formed alliances with Whites and were all just dismissed as "supremacists".
The propaganda confusing and the resulting mistrust between the various peoples of the West has locked us into a death spiral. Whites are now at the point where the warnings for Blacks were given.
JBS is alive and well
They also built the Nazis to push their completely unlikable ideology to the public