This is why, when we succeed, we put our thumb up. When we fail, we bring it down. The energy of the thumb is the energy of Mars. Mars is a general leading an army behind him, with a goal to achieve a result. Failure is exactly what the "fallen general" represents.
By placing a ring [bandaid?] on the "general" - we create a special magnetic/energy field. In ancient times, rings were only worn on the thumb by diviners, people who were constantly engaged in spiritual practices.
Wearing a ring on the thumb of your active hand (Mars) helps to strengthen your will, determination and motivation. It also enhances a person's magical abilities. At the same time, it shows a person's ability and choice to put their will on other people.
Wearing the ring on the thumb (fire) of the passive hand will help you to meditate, cleanse your energy system and perform other rituals. At the same time, it shows one's readiness and consent to surrender to the will and guidance of others.
There is no special mudra just for the thumb. The thumb is a symbol of divine energy, rising above the ego and the material world, symbolising universal consciousness
Using magic to enhance one's magical 'abilities'.
That's a trick for sure.
And the magic is weak. Technology is the new magick.