Has the Ukraine found another hole, or will the Russians retreat?
Have Ukrainians found another meathgrinder? I.E Bakhmut? Billions more funding, and bodies?
Are the Russians clearly retreating, and losing? The press has been claiming the Ukraines are blowing up Russian strategic bombers in Moscow. They pushed Russia back to the sea of Azov, and are blowing up the bridge of Kerch and Russians are clearly losing. They lack munition, troops, equipment, and the firepower. It said the Ukrainians counter offensive is winning.
Which one are conspiracies?
Thanks. But you're wrong.
I am trying to understand why the press whenever Ukraine gains ground claims Russia have lost and are retreating. Is it because the Russia has been losing?
I am just trying to make sense of it. It seems like Ukraine has retaken another town pressing positions into it. The town is called Rabotino, Rabotyne? It was part of the defensive Russian line. So there have been claims on its significance. Are Russians retreating, like the press is claiming? Too, the extents of collapse and recession, because warfare is hitting their homeland and its infrastructure, and hundreds of Russians are dying daily?
Best I can describe is you are watching episodes of Simpsons and worrying too much about Homer and Bart and not enough about Matt Groening.
The Creator was A.I? Seriously gifted. He, Matt Goening is?
What are you suggesting?
The Simpson's, good show, has almost nothing else to do with the Ukraine. It's a Cartoon.... Not a WAR!
What? Try again. And slowly! Deep breathes!
I'm exactly saying that this war is a cartoon. The casualties are real, but the story arc was written ahead of time. The only goal is to keep both sides willing to send more men to die.
Who wins what battle in which city, none of this is important, because the end had been determined before the beginning.
When you watch a sports movie and the underdog starts to win, you cheer the underdog--but the only reason they come back and win is because that's how the script was written. The goal of the movie was to take your money, the underdog story is only useful in getting you into the theater.
The wartime updates on the state of the battles is only to keep the men hopefully volunteering to march to their deaths, to keep donating to the fake charities.
The end game cannot be attrition? If it is supposedly a reset? I mean come on. Into? Or? What?
I mean. No.
Although, it certainly tolls. Escalation! However it has an another agenda where nobody cares. Attrition! Causality doesn't care! Nobody cares. it erupts into? Continuing conflict. Even if it's another agenda forcing demand. Resources. There are sides.
What? If it hasn't, it's because it won't. Nukes are a, what, nothing happens.. Because it won't. Ukraine, however, might go and retake the Crimea. They just need some F16s, if, their pilots, can fly them.