"The Pentaverate" is a Canadian comedy streaming television miniseries created by Mike Myers for Netflix. The series premiered on May 5, 2022, and consists of six episodes. The show is based on conspiracy theories from Myers' 1993 film "So I Married an Axe Murderer," which stars Myers as poet Charlie McKenzie and his Scottish-born father, Stuart McKenzie, who explains the nature and membership of the group in that film.0 The show follows an unlikely Canadian journalist who becomes embroiled in a mission to uncover the truth and possibly save the world himself.2 The show has received positive reviews for its accomplished idiocy by Mike Myers.1
"The Pentaverate" is a Canadian comedy streaming television miniseries created by Mike Myers for Netflix. The series premiered on May 5, 2022, and consists of six episodes. The show is based on conspiracy theories from Myers' 1993 film "So I Married an Axe Murderer," which stars Myers as poet Charlie McKenzie and his Scottish-born father, Stuart McKenzie, who explains the nature and membership of the group in that film.0 The show follows an unlikely Canadian journalist who becomes embroiled in a mission to uncover the truth and possibly save the world himself.2 The show has received positive reviews for its accomplished idiocy by Mike Myers.1 favicon en.wikipedia.org