posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +13 / -2

If I were smart, I would grab as many maps (especially nautical, topographical, and regional maps) from different places, and times.

These days they are online mostly, but like all stuff online, it can be faked or modified.

The more authentic the better. I also advise gathering digital copies and photos of those which you cannot and not necessarily for sharing since others will be just as likely to discount you as the forgeries.

But for you own knowledge and those around you who trust and know you.

Space is not what we think, earth is not what we think. The earliest and most powerful tools people had for knowledge transfer were maps.

Images were drawn in sand, explained in landmarks, and references to vague measurements were used long before we had a common foot, or yard.

I would not doubt that poems have been used as maps, and all manner of other things too. But essentially those who create maps are either passing on knowledge or lies.

Most maps are inaccurate that we recognize, and only local regions are truly accurate.

But more importantly, maps program our minds or beliefs and they train us Everytime we look at them. So be very careful to avoid maps which are not based in truth. Your mind is programmed worse than you know.