SYN (together) AGEIN (put in motion) of SATAN (adverse; contrary; one who plots against another)
a) motion sets itself apart, hence from whole (inception towards death) into each partial (life)...others contradict this by suggesting togetherness.
b) ones consent to suggestions by others establishes a COM'PLOT (combined plan aka to roll into a ball). That's how others can shape earth under ones feet into a ball...
Other examples for such assembly...e pluribus unum (out of many; one); abrahamism (father of multitude); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); united states; united nations; european union; mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; uniformity; collectivism; compound interest; community-ism (communism); society-ism (socialism) etc.
a) motion sets itself apart, hence from whole (inception towards death) into each partial (life)...others contradict this by suggesting togetherness.
b) ones consent to suggestions by others establishes a COM'PLOT (combined plan aka to roll into a ball). That's how others can shape earth under ones feet into a ball...
c) a recent manifestation of "synagouge of satan" represents KNESSET (gathering, assembly)...
Other examples for such assembly...e pluribus unum (out of many; one); abrahamism (father of multitude); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); united states; united nations; european union; mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; uniformity; collectivism; compound interest; community-ism (communism); society-ism (socialism) etc.