Our favorite Flat Earther claims that the distance between the two cities is:
my calc: Distance between Sydney and Santiago is 11,246km on globe and 14,169km on FE map.
A direct flight from Sydney to Santiago takes 12.5 hours
That means that the plane would have to fly at Mach 1.13 the whole time.
Flight QF 27 is currently en route flying 925 km/hr
Can any Flat Earther explain how it can make the claimed distance in 12.5 hours?
Edit: note how the flat earthers show up here but as predicted, cannot provide any explanation. As usual.
Not if there isn't already a youtube video discussing it...
Not just any video though. A 5-hour video of some unhinged guy ranting over screenshots from google earth and stickfigure drawings.
So you can't answer the question, am I right?