Our favorite Flat Earther claims that the distance between the two cities is:
my calc: Distance between Sydney and Santiago is 11,246km on globe and 14,169km on FE map.
A direct flight from Sydney to Santiago takes 12.5 hours
That means that the plane would have to fly at Mach 1.13 the whole time.
Flight QF 27 is currently en route flying 925 km/hr
Can any Flat Earther explain how it can make the claimed distance in 12.5 hours?
Edit: note how the flat earthers show up here but as predicted, cannot provide any explanation. As usual.
The last time I asked a flat earth retard why I couldn't see mount everest from my roof, he told me it was because of all the bird poop in the sky between here and there.
A better treatment I've found is slapping the shit out of flat earthers when I come across them in real life.
Flat Earthers are funny. According to them, air turns opaque beyond a certain range and the reason for this opinion is that if it wasn't opaque then we'd be able to see further.
Hilariously retarded circular reasoning.
Uh oh where's my baby powder
What did the 5 fingers say to the face?
Magnetic poles though, why doesn't my compass get confused when I'm near the equator? Or is the flat earth balanced on top of a giant red and silver horseshoe magnet?
Again, completely made up claims with absolutely no evidence to back anything up that you write.
Next, you will probably ask me to watch a video, right?
You present nothing because you have nothing.