In those videos I linked last week about quaternions, and multiple dimensions. One of the videos is a guy explaining what it would look like for a 5th dimensional being to interact with our dimension.
One of the things they can do is make objects move and disappear as well grow and shrink in size. Gave me a funny image of earth and the sun being manipulated by 5th dimensional beings.
One of the strangest things he mentions, and this has really been fucking with me.
5th dimensional beings could have the ability to reverse mirror images.
Something about what he said has not left my head.
Its interesting you bring this up.....
In those videos I linked last week about quaternions, and multiple dimensions. One of the videos is a guy explaining what it would look like for a 5th dimensional being to interact with our dimension.
One of the things they can do is make objects move and disappear as well grow and shrink in size. Gave me a funny image of earth and the sun being manipulated by 5th dimensional beings.
One of the strangest things he mentions, and this has really been fucking with me.
5th dimensional beings could have the ability to reverse mirror images.
Something about what he said has not left my head.