PACT, noun (Latin pactus, pango) - "contract; agreement or covenant".
EN'TITY, noun (Latin entitas) - "being"
Choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) represents the pact; while ignoring perceivable (reality) for suggested (fiction) represents the inversion of LIVE (to be animated), hence LIVE to EVIL.
Also...being implies apart from others; while contracts bind one to others.
MAG'IC, noun (Latin magia) - "secret operations of natural causes"
Aka secret operations (life) of natural cause (inception towards death)...why secret? Because Latin seco - "to divide", hence partial operations divided by whole process.
Choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) represents the pact; while ignoring perceivable (reality) for suggested (fiction) represents the inversion of LIVE (to be animated), hence LIVE to EVIL.
Also...being implies apart from others; while contracts bind one to others.
Aka secret operations (life) of natural cause (inception towards death)...why secret? Because Latin seco - "to divide", hence partial operations divided by whole process.