You’re right about the kool-aid drinking. Most who have can apply “it’s a psyop” to everything else under the sun except for their personal sacred cow, expecting their inaction to be rewarded by the ultimate father figure in an afterlife so they don’t have to lift a finger to improve things. Belief in gods makes for weak easily led sheep doesn’t matter what the religion. And then you get the reckless fanatics who arguably give the rest an ever worse name. The majority will probably never know the truth out of willful ignorance.
You’re right about the kool-aid drinking. Most who have can apply “it’s a psyop” to everything else under the sun except for their personal sacred cow, expecting their inaction to be rewarded by the ultimate father figure in an afterlife so they don’t have to lift a finger to improve things. Belief in gods makes for weak easily led sheep doesn’t matter what the religion. And then you get the reckless fanatics who arguably give the rest an ever worse name. The majority will probably never know the truth out of willful ignorance.