Remember when Covid was first released and everything was ascribed to it?
Died of the flu but had "covid-like" symptoms? That's covid.
You're 500 lbs and died of cardiac arrest? That's covid.
You were pulped in a car crash and the bits of you they scraped up and put through 3,500 PCR cycles tested positive? That's covid.
But the untested shots that were rushed out by companies known to falsify data and given to everyone?
Let's not be hasty, just because people are dropping dead of suddenly...
If any health agency was actually concerned with our health, they would be putting these jabs under a microscope and every death would be ascribed to it until shown otherwise.
Remember when Covid was first released and everything was ascribed to it?
Died of the flu but had "covid-like" symptoms? That's covid.
You're 500 lbs and died of cardiac arrest? That's covid.
You were pulped in a car crash and the bits of you they scraped up and put through 3,500 PCR cycles tested positive? That's covid.
But the untested shots that were rushed out by companies known to falsify data and given to everyone?
Let's not be hasty, just because people are dropping dead of suddenly...
If any health agency was actually concerned with our health, they would be putting these jabs under a microscope and every death would be ascribed to it until shown otherwise.
Oprah Winfrey meme. "You get a Covid death. Everyone gets a Covid death."