posted ago by lurkerneedshelp2 ago by lurkerneedshelp2 +12 / -4

Long time lurker. I took some time off this site for mental heath and try to focus on positive things..ha..

Long story short, i moved my family out of New York in 2020 and to Montana in 2021. I became a singer at a church there and noticed strange behavior with children. I waited 9 months. Then they made obscene hungry gestures toward my unborn daughter. I reported the behavior and was dismissed so I left.

Since then I have been followed everywhere I go. First it was just pedos, then lieutenant type junkies, then all the junkies. This is now in it's 4th cycle. It has been 9 months.

I'm finished being victimized. I know things. I know there a people out there willing to help me. I'm sick of watching people curse me in other children's ears and sit one row behind me in church sticking their dick at my kid with their hands in their pockets. I want justice.

Please, if you know anyone who could help me, or any tactics to get this nonsense off my back, it would mean the world to me and family. I am shopping P.I.s (even though I can't afford one right now), but counter-surveillance for a private individual does not seem to be standard.

Thank you to the bright lights of the world. Thank you for being you.


Also, people are def in my tech if anyone has any good methods for checking computer security. Evidence: several sign ins on multiple computer ( one does have a VPN but one is a work computer located back east). Sign-outs. Domains on just my things going dead. A duplicate me after I got kicked out on a zoom call etc...