During APOC'ALYPSE, noun (Gr. to disclose; to cover.) - "revelation"...all ILLUSION is dispelled.
impression; inspiration; innovation
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) each one represents expression within impressing; is being inspired by impressing to express, and is being altered/innovated by constant change.
Bonus for those with eyes to see...
RAPE, noun (Latin rapio) - "carrying away by force"
During APOC'ALYPSE, noun (Gr. to disclose; to cover.) - "revelation"...all ILLUSION is dispelled.
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) each one represents expression within impressing; is being inspired by impressing to express, and is being altered/innovated by constant change.
Bonus for those with eyes to see...
Rape (inception towards death) lays (life)...