posted ago by HonestTruth ago by HonestTruth +3 / -1

So, if the war has any validity at all, then the 'enemies' in question would be interested in stabilizing the conflict for the next few years.

At the current pace, there is no question we are in a state of global war in its infancy, as the criminals at the helm continue to pound on the war drum and provide endless hostile inputs where diplomacy should be the norm.

With no provision for diplomacy, the only choice for Russia would be to remove the leaders if they can.

So, lets hold a convention in a tiny little ineffective country, let's configure all the air defense of types already proven useless, practically right next to this so called belligerent global threat.

So, in my opinion, if Russia does not decapitate nato at this stage, then the whole thing is being orchestrated by the controlling factors and both parties in the conflict have no intention of being at 'war'

I would do it. Given the stage and intention of the group, it is the only logical course of action.