Women, they allowed this to happen by not sticking up for themselves. Their go-along-to-get-along social mindset is biting them in their bonus holes, once again.
So a private company holds a pageant, decides to give the prize to a trans woman and somehow this is significant and it would not happen if womankind had "stuck up for themselves".
How did that even work? Did you expect a worldwide movement of women protesting against letting trans women participate in a Dutch pageant?
Do you think that women worldwide even give a shit about this?
Had you even heard of it before this started getting spammed on right wing websites?
So a private company holds a pageant, decides to give the prize to a trans woman and somehow this is significant and it would not happen if womankind had "stuck up for themselves".
Yes, it wouldn't of happened if women protested and refused to participate when a mentally ill man was allowed to enter the contest for women.
Had you even heard of it before this started getting spammed on right wing websites?
Are you saying that this forum is a right wing website? Because that is how I learned of this.
lol, silly women. You allowed this.
Who are you talking to?
The private company that owns this pageant allowed this.
Women, they allowed this to happen by not sticking up for themselves. Their go-along-to-get-along social mindset is biting them in their bonus holes, once again.
So a private company holds a pageant, decides to give the prize to a trans woman and somehow this is significant and it would not happen if womankind had "stuck up for themselves".
How did that even work? Did you expect a worldwide movement of women protesting against letting trans women participate in a Dutch pageant?
Do you think that women worldwide even give a shit about this?
Had you even heard of it before this started getting spammed on right wing websites?
Yes, it wouldn't of happened if women protested and refused to participate when a mentally ill man was allowed to enter the contest for women.
Are you saying that this forum is a right wing website? Because that is how I learned of this.