I had been under the impression WEF was an outgrowth of the Bilderbergers. Since the Bergers are the pushers of the New World Order, and they circle around Davos, and WEF is kind of Davos oriented. Live and learn I guess. I have to research the entanglements.
The Bilderbergers and the WEF are part of the same club. They're all socialist puppets who are controlled by the illuminati that Adam Weishaupt created in 1776, together with Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the heretical sabbatean satanist Jacob Frank.
You have to take a deeper look at the past to be able to understand present-day secret societies, these dudes really think they are above God our creator, that's why they want to enslave Humanity with an one world "communazi" order.
I had been under the impression WEF was an outgrowth of the Bilderbergers. Since the Bergers are the pushers of the New World Order, and they circle around Davos, and WEF is kind of Davos oriented. Live and learn I guess. I have to research the entanglements.
The Bilderbergers and the WEF are part of the same club. They're all socialist puppets who are controlled by the illuminati that Adam Weishaupt created in 1776, together with Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the heretical sabbatean satanist Jacob Frank.
You have to take a deeper look at the past to be able to understand present-day secret societies, these dudes really think they are above God our creator, that's why they want to enslave Humanity with an one world "communazi" order.
Impale them