a) PSYCHE; noun - "animating spirit"...spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies ones resistance within animation.
b) an -iST represents one who consents to a suggested -ISM, hence ignoring resistance for submission.
c) animation directs (inception towards death) resistance (life); while a psychiatrist PRESCRIBES; verb - "to write down as a direction" to tempt one to follow directions instead of resisting.
persistent mental condition
a) mental (Latin mentis; mind/memory) represents ones wavering condition within persistent motion, hence one being able to memorize moving input.
b) CONDITION (Latin condicioun) - "particular mode of being" implies being partial mind/memory within whole input.
If one lacks discernment about that, then others can suggest CON (together) DICERE (to speak) aka tempting partials together through suggested words.
a) PSYCHE; noun - "animating spirit"...spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies ones resistance within animation.
b) an -iST represents one who consents to a suggested -ISM, hence ignoring resistance for submission.
c) animation directs (inception towards death) resistance (life); while a psychiatrist PRESCRIBES; verb - "to write down as a direction" to tempt one to follow directions instead of resisting.
a) mental (Latin mentis; mind/memory) represents ones wavering condition within persistent motion, hence one being able to memorize moving input.
b) CONDITION (Latin condicioun) - "particular mode of being" implies being partial mind/memory within whole input.
If one lacks discernment about that, then others can suggest CON (together) DICERE (to speak) aka tempting partials together through suggested words.