You can worship or revere your trans leader but calling it ancient wisdom is a tall tale that’s been spun for quite some time now to associate your trans leader with more ancient civilizations after the fact.
I know that your hermaphrodite thrice great is wildly popular with Freemasons. That’s why Jefferson translated the emerald tablets, personally I am not a fan of freemasonic BS.
I have no issue with the swastica I have issue with Hermes the “messenger of the god”who is trans, and the patron of merchants tricksters and thieves. I have issues with a trans demon who is an admitted trickster pushing a “secret tradition” that’s been the darling of the worst secret societies. Have fun with your tranny trickster though.
“Ancient wisdom”, that turned out to be post Christianity.
You can worship or revere your trans leader but calling it ancient wisdom is a tall tale that’s been spun for quite some time now to associate your trans leader with more ancient civilizations after the fact.
I know that your hermaphrodite thrice great is wildly popular with Freemasons. That’s why Jefferson translated the emerald tablets, personally I am not a fan of freemasonic BS.
I have no issue with the swastica I have issue with Hermes the “messenger of the god”who is trans, and the patron of merchants tricksters and thieves. I have issues with a trans demon who is an admitted trickster pushing a “secret tradition” that’s been the darling of the worst secret societies. Have fun with your tranny trickster though.
Cult-ural Con-fusion
Where's Free-will-of-choice when you need him? :)
There is a dichotomy inherent in all things material.
Who can sew back, what has been rent?
Who can re-member the gods who fall to earth in pieces?
Al-chem-istry divides by examination, reaping Knowledge. (Caduceus w/one snake)
What will repair?
A primer
What is wisdom vs knowledge vs ignorance?
Only one stands the test of Time.
Is it a 'who/what came first' game?
So be it. Play by your own rules then and see if you can 'get' this.