MED'ICINE, noun (Latin medicina, from medeor, to cure) - "any substance, liquid or solid, that has the property of curing or mitigating disease in animals".
a) "disease in animals" implies dis-ease (life) within animation (inception towards death)...others cannot heal that, hence allopathy aka ALLOS (others) PATHEIA (suffering; disease).
b) EASE, noun (Latin otium.) - "rest; an undisturbed state". Life implies a state (living) disturbed by motion (process of dying)...hence no rest for the WICKED, adjective - "to depart, to fall away".
c) sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."medicine man" aka "man represents medicine".
argue about how it was only "perceivable"...
That's the issue...perceivable demands adaptation; arguing implies ones choice to ignore adaptation for reasoning over suggested with others. One cannot argue (refute a proposition) with nature...only with other ones...or with oneself if desperate.
a) "disease in animals" implies dis-ease (life) within animation (inception towards death)...others cannot heal that, hence allopathy aka ALLOS (others) PATHEIA (suffering; disease).
b) EASE, noun (Latin otium.) - "rest; an undisturbed state". Life implies a state (living) disturbed by motion (process of dying)...hence no rest for the WICKED, adjective - "to depart, to fall away".
c) sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."medicine man" aka "man represents medicine".
That's the issue...perceivable demands adaptation; arguing implies ones choice to ignore adaptation for reasoning over suggested with others. One cannot argue (refute a proposition) with nature...only with other ones...or with oneself if desperate.