Location in-between perceiving and perceivable gives suggested media (Latin medius; middle) its power to distract former (resistance) from latter (velocity). Without velocity resistance couldn't grow; which in return gives those suggesting the opportunity to exploit lack of resistance.
It ain't about what's on the suggested screen, but that one ignores perceivable for it.
wiped from the collective consciousness
Media and its suggested information mimics the mind/memory of the consenting many, which allows them to advertise (play); collectivize (record); revise (rew/fwd); epitomize (pause) and abolish (stop) it.
The media and all other suggested institutions represent organized habits. These habits exist only within the minds/memories of the consenting viewer; who can then be domesticated by suggested instructions. The fundamental habit exploited represents mass consent to ignore need (letting go) for want (holding onto); hence HABITUAL (Latin habere; to hold; posses).
Every suggested information tempts one to consent by holding onto it; while all perceivable inspiration inspires one to adapt, while letting go of what goes through ones adapting mind/memory.
Inspiration represents a spark to enlighten; while information represents a pile of trash waiting for a spark to burn it all down; hence information representing a burned offering to the spark of inspiration.
Location in-between perceiving and perceivable gives suggested media (Latin medius; middle) its power to distract former (resistance) from latter (velocity). Without velocity resistance couldn't grow; which in return gives those suggesting the opportunity to exploit lack of resistance.
It ain't about what's on the suggested screen, but that one ignores perceivable for it.
Media and its suggested information mimics the mind/memory of the consenting many, which allows them to advertise (play); collectivize (record); revise (rew/fwd); epitomize (pause) and abolish (stop) it.
The media and all other suggested institutions represent organized habits. These habits exist only within the minds/memories of the consenting viewer; who can then be domesticated by suggested instructions. The fundamental habit exploited represents mass consent to ignore need (letting go) for want (holding onto); hence HABITUAL (Latin habere; to hold; posses).
Every suggested information tempts one to consent by holding onto it; while all perceivable inspiration inspires one to adapt, while letting go of what goes through ones adapting mind/memory.
Inspiration represents a spark to enlighten; while information represents a pile of trash waiting for a spark to burn it all down; hence information representing a burned offering to the spark of inspiration.