posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +17 / -2

His life story isn't relevant for this post. We will be focusing on his final days.

In 1492 at the age of 60, pope Innocent VIII came down with an illness. Some believe he might have been poisoned, who knows. Either way he continued to degrade in health, he summoned a Jewish "Doctor" (Bare in mind we didn't have Doctors then, The church had healers, out side of that your options were blood letters, occult practitioners and mystics.) The only thing the pope could or would eat was milk from a wet nurse (lactating young woman)

One night he fell unconscious, his "doctor" gathered 3 Christian children around the age of 10. Murdered them, drained there blood, and feed it to him. He would eventually wake but then died a few days later from fever.

Some say this was the first blood transfusion, A step in medical advancement. I say it was ritualistic occult murder. neither can be proven wrong