Suggested "we" (pluralism) tempts perceiving one (singularity) to ignore discernment of EN'ERGY, noun [Greek; work.] - "internal or inherent power".
Suggested SECU'RE, adjective [Latin securus.] - "free from danger" tempts one to ignore being free (life) within danger (inception towards death).
secured...through a merger
SEC (Latin seco; to divide)...merging (process of dying) destroys divided (living), hence others tempting divided "one" to merge into collectable "we" aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
after flushing
Being implies within (life) flushing (inception towards death)...others tempt one into "slush" funds aka dirty foundation by mixture of filth.
Suggested "we" (pluralism) tempts perceiving one (singularity) to ignore discernment of EN'ERGY, noun [Greek; work.] - "internal or inherent power".
Suggested SECU'RE, adjective [Latin securus.] - "free from danger" tempts one to ignore being free (life) within danger (inception towards death).
SEC (Latin seco; to divide)...merging (process of dying) destroys divided (living), hence others tempting divided "one" to merge into collectable "we" aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
Being implies within (life) flushing (inception towards death)...others tempt one into "slush" funds aka dirty foundation by mixture of filth.