Friendly bi-annual reminder , how the deep state scumbags think, operate and control the media narrative:
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
- Karl Rove
Everything you read/see/hear/get as search results repeatedly in media, be that mainstream, social or alternative, is a planned , controlled and guided Op, where the target is you and the goal is the very emotional reaction you are experiencing .
If you want the longer version if this, including how they destroyed Google/Bing search results , a decent recent summary is the latest Man in America Podcast episode:
How the US Gov. Is Using Digital MK ULTRA Against Us — Fmr. State Dept. Official Interview Podcasts
EMPIRIC; verb - "derived from experience" aka EX (expression within impressing) PER (discover by evaluation).
Each one represents expression (life) within impressing (inception towards death); hence being able to discover value (perceivable) through evaluation (perceiving)...unless ignored for the suggestions by others.
Energy represents empire (all represents one in energy); each one within all enacting energy represents one empiric reaction.
All suggested distractions from being one...
Ones consent to the suggested information by others shapes others into master (teacher) and self into slave (student). Wanting to understand suggested implies consenting to "stand under" those suggesting, hence willing submission.
Reality (perceivable inspiration for adaptation) or fiction (suggested information tempting one to hold onto)...ones free will of choice.
Passing justice upon suggested tempts one to ignore that which "just is" aka perceivable. The resulting conflict of judging suggested by mind (judgement) represents reason aka logic (from logos aka suggested words over perceivable sound).
Each one thing implies partial (temporary growth) within whole (ongoing loss); hence representing a division within...suggested SORT (collection of individual persons) represents the inversion of perceiving apartheid within perceivable wholeness.
If one "thing" consents by "will" to suggested "sort" (collectivism); then that which exists "in" (living) goes "out" (process of dying)...
To search for (forwards) implies towards suggested outcomes; which tempts one to ignore perceivable origin.
Oneself represents center (perceiving) of surrounding (perceivable)...suggestions by others become the middle (Latin medius; media) if one consents to ignore ones position as center within surrounding, hence center self going through middle other to experience surrounding.
God gave us war for a reason. For example, the propaganda machine can say reality is "X", but when the Russians kill enough Ukrainians than we can easily determine that whatever reality is, it's "not X"
The reality is "never fucking x"