If you study the clay tablet translations, or the oral lore of Polynesians, Indonesians, American plain indians, Meso-Americans, etc... all the clues point to this: we are a (genetically) engineered slave species since several millennia ago.
And none of this based on Z. Sitchin's bs "translations", but modern linguistic comparative translations across various sources.
We are a cargo cult worshipping the remnants of our (otherworldly humanoid) overlords, who used as as slave labour.
If you study the clay tablet translations, or the oral lore of Polynesians, Indonesians, American plain indians, Meso-Americans, etc... all the clues point to this: we are a (genetically) engineered slave species since several millennia ago.
And none of this based on Z. Sitchin's bs "translations", but modern linguistic comparative translations across various sources.
We are a cargo cult worshipping the remnants of our (otherworldly humanoid) overlords, who used as as slave labour.