They don't admit solitary confinement is torture right at the top (which is telling), but if you scroll down in the wiki you'll find:
Solitary confinement is considered to be a form of psychological torture with measurable long-term physiological effects when the period of confinement is longer than a few weeks or is continued indefinitely.
So who came up with this wonderful concept? In a plot twist, it turns out it was the polite, well-dressed oatmeal people all along:
Quakers and solitary confinement: We thought it was a good idea. Now we don’t! (CT Mirror 3/17/2021)
Oh well, we all make mistakes, right? The final reveal is that they may not at all be who you thought they were:
The SOCIETY of FRIENDS looks like another JEWISH FRONT (9-page PDF)
The usual caveats accompany the work of "Miles Mathis", but when you dig into the Quakers beyond what's included in the paper, it just looks worse and worse.
How's that radioactive cloud going? When will I die of radiation poisoning?
Oh, wait. That was just another of your Russkie disinfo fairy tales.
Awww, why the sudden change of subject? Was the discussion of your low self-esteem, abandonment issues, and failure to confront your failure as a human being making you uncomfortable? You can run away from me, but you can't run away from yourself. Admitting the disaster you've let yourself become is the first step on the road to recovery.
I think you know my now that interacting with me just makes you feel even weaker and more insignificant. If you think you're helping yourself, well, that's an indication of how big your problems really are.
(Haha, "Russkie". Can anyone really be that lame in 2023? Guess so!)