The list of companies complying and not complying with ESG. Lower score = lower compliance. (under 1mb pdf downoad)
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worth noting a bunch of the low scorers apparently just didn't return whatever questionairre to the org that does the ranking.
overall list is depressing af.
It is.
Ones consent to suggested SCORE, noun - "debt, account of debt; reason" implies burdening self, while submitting to those suggesting it...that represents self repression, which tempts an emotion of feeling depressed.
Solution...choosing to resist suggested grows ones resistance, hence growing ones expression.
They're almost all in on it, but there are few holdouts to support.
Found on zh.
a) each one (life) exist within all (inception towards death).
b) ignoring the above for suggested "it" allows a few to collectivize a many within "it"...without them realizing their ignorance.
a) growth (life) is held within loss (inception towards death); hence busy supporting itself through resistance.
b) consider if want tempts one to hold onto; while need demands one to let go?
c) what if support (inception towards death) generates derivatives (life)? If derivatives are trying to support each other through suggested information, then they ignore foundation of support....perceivable inspiration.
Wanting to hold onto suggested information tempts one to ignore the need to adapt and let go of perceivable inspiration.
Allow yourself to question...MUSE, noun [Latin musa.] - "deep thought; close attention or contemplation which abstracts the minds from passing scenes, absence of mind" exchange passing scenes (perceivable inspiration) with suggested information from others within ones surrounding.
The suggested muse tries to mimic perceivable inspiration, hence tempting one to ignore ongoing (need to let go) for temporary (want to hold onto).
Never buy stocks. Get your family and friends to sell their stocks and invest elsewhere.
Stop shopping and doing business with corporations. Avoid them whenever possible. Pay more to buy from small businesses who do not hate you.
Do not work for corporations. Your talent and skill and hard work is too good for a jew owned corporation.
Corporations hate you. They hate white people. Their hiring practices discriminate against whites. They hate Christians. They promote LGBTQ. They fund BLM and Antifa. They force you to wear masks. They force you to get poisonous jew injections. FUCK CORPORATIONS. Hate them back.
sticky here
a) complying (want) vs not complying (not want) to suggested represents consent given to those suggesting it.
b) COMPLY , verb - "to carry into effect; to complete" represents a partial within whole; hence effect (life) carried within cause (inception towards death)...complying with the suggestions by others tempts one to ignore that.
c) consenting to suggested ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) allows others to shape what surrounds (environ) ones mind (ment); it tempts one to ignore being individual; not social, and it gives others control (govern) over ones mind (ment) through the suggested.