Nihilism; communism; extremism; leftism; fascism and rightism are suggested by the few; while the consenting many are reasoning against each other about what it is vs what it isn't...
Everything perceivable "was"; before one can shape suggestions about what it "is" or "isn't"...
Yeah but it isn't. Communism is "extreme leftism."
Fascism is "extreme rightism."
Nihilism; communism; extremism; leftism; fascism and rightism are suggested by the few; while the consenting many are reasoning against each other about what it is vs what it isn't...
Everything perceivable "was"; before one can shape suggestions about what it "is" or "isn't"...
That's not factual. Fascism was socialism taken to an extreme. Extreme rightism is anarchism "escape from New York" not "schindlers list"