Kings (life) exist within kingmaker (inception toward death) aka monarchs aka MONO (one) ARCH (partial growth within whole loss).
Kings among themselves seeking power over each other are ignoring POW'ER, noun - "exerting force" aka thrusting force aka life being thrust from inception towards death. Ignorance makes pawns out of kings...
be taken away
Way gives (inception) and takes (death) being (life).
first point
Viewed (perceivable) existed before ones view-point (perceiving)...
second point
a) suggested counting tempts perceiving one to ignore being one-self.
b) others suggest SEC'OND, adjective [Latin sequor, to follow; to seek.] to tempt one to ignore that origin (inception towards death) needs to be (life) resisted. One doesn't need to seek reality (perceivable); one needs to resist wanted fiction (suggested), which others tempt one to seek.
fall into one of these categories
Ones consent to the suggestions of others tempts one to think CATEGORY, noun - "in logic, a series or order of all the predicates or attributes contained under a genus; distributed all the objects of our thoughts and ideas into genera"...within reality...whole genus (inception towards death) sets itself apart (life).
The opposite of category (suggested) represents whole (perceivable); which one ignores when categorizing, hence others suggesting endless categories to tempt one to ignore this.
Do we even need more evidence?
That which is evident; open to be seen; manifested for perception implies always more than one within be aware of, hence allowing ones growth of self discernment among perceivable differences (inspiration).
running things
a) can partial (life) run faster than whole (inception towards death)?
b) if outcome of life implies death; then what are things running towards or away from?
Aka discern self as form (temporary life) within flow (inception towards death).
It's goes up and down and around
Aka the suggested kike (circle) deception distracting one from being up (temporary growth) within down (ongoing loss) of linear (inception towards death).
Gilmore's response: "Pschyo"
Aka Greek psykhē - "breath, spirit, soul" aka ones adaptation as form to flow by breathing. What's a GILL? A respiratory organ, hence one being HAPPY if one GILL (breathes) MORE...
a) what if oneself represents difference (choice of resonance or dissonance) within same sound?
b) what if each one represents INSANE (in sanus aka within sound) PERSON (per sonos aka by sound) and what if others suggest "insane person" to distract one from perceivable?
c) if something sounds alike, then the one hearing ignores to adapt to perceivable differences.
Kings (life) exist within kingmaker (inception toward death) aka monarchs aka MONO (one) ARCH (partial growth within whole loss).
Kings among themselves seeking power over each other are ignoring POW'ER, noun - "exerting force" aka thrusting force aka life being thrust from inception towards death. Ignorance makes pawns out of kings...
Way gives (inception) and takes (death) being (life).
Viewed (perceivable) existed before ones view-point (perceiving)...
a) suggested counting tempts perceiving one to ignore being one-self.
b) others suggest SEC'OND, adjective [Latin sequor, to follow; to seek.] to tempt one to ignore that origin (inception towards death) needs to be (life) resisted. One doesn't need to seek reality (perceivable); one needs to resist wanted fiction (suggested), which others tempt one to seek.
Ones consent to the suggestions of others tempts one to think CATEGORY, noun - "in logic, a series or order of all the predicates or attributes contained under a genus; distributed all the objects of our thoughts and ideas into genera"...within reality...whole genus (inception towards death) sets itself apart (life).
The opposite of category (suggested) represents whole (perceivable); which one ignores when categorizing, hence others suggesting endless categories to tempt one to ignore this.
That which is evident; open to be seen; manifested for perception implies always more than one within be aware of, hence allowing ones growth of self discernment among perceivable differences (inspiration).
a) can partial (life) run faster than whole (inception towards death)?
b) if outcome of life implies death; then what are things running towards or away from?
You sound like Kevin Nealon in Happy Gilmore.
Aka adapt to perceivable inspiration.
Aka resist suggested information.
Aka discern self as form (temporary life) within flow (inception towards death).
Aka the suggested kike (circle) deception distracting one from being up (temporary growth) within down (ongoing loss) of linear (inception towards death).
Aka Greek psykhē - "breath, spirit, soul" aka ones adaptation as form to flow by breathing. What's a GILL? A respiratory organ, hence one being HAPPY if one GILL (breathes) MORE... It's called a sleight of hand for those with eyes to see.
a) what if oneself represents difference (choice of resonance or dissonance) within same sound?
b) what if each one represents INSANE (in sanus aka within sound) PERSON (per sonos aka by sound) and what if others suggest "insane person" to distract one from perceivable?
c) if something sounds alike, then the one hearing ignores to adapt to perceivable differences.