My point was addressed to everyone who happened to read it, but thanks for demonstrating that many people don't actually get past the first few words.
And you're bugging me, aren't you? Seems like standards are pretty low around here. Isn't it embarrassing that this all gets recorded so everyone can see what you did and how I pointed it out?
My point was addressed to everyone who happened to read it, but thanks for demonstrating that many people don't actually get past the first few words.
And you're bugging me, aren't you? Seems like standards are pretty low around here. Isn't it embarrassing that this all gets recorded so everyone can see what you did and how I pointed it out?
Sure you care. You cared enough to reply, didn't you? Lame, but keep trying and maybe you'll get better! You know, maybe.
I will admit that, yes, I actually bothered reading almost nothing of what you wrote. But by all means, write more!