a) line (inception towards death) generates each one (life)...one needs to resist line.
b) suggested one-liners tempt brief expressions, while being one within line represents ones struggle for a lengthy expression.
c) suggested "stick with" tempts one to want to hold onto...perceivable represents the need for each one within to let go. Ones struggle represents need to resist want.
Those longer format ones ayh skip
Does nature omit what those within choose to skip?
a) line (inception towards death) generates each one (life)...one needs to resist line.
b) suggested one-liners tempt brief expressions, while being one within line represents ones struggle for a lengthy expression.
c) suggested "stick with" tempts one to want to hold onto...perceivable represents the need for each one within to let go. Ones struggle represents need to resist want.
Does nature omit what those within choose to skip?