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Oy vey, a six pointed star...what could they mean by this?
The torque screw looks just like the flat head screws from the perspective of the flat head screws.
But hidden on top the screw is a six-pointed torq screw, unlike the flat headed screws. Also hidden behind the podium the torq screw is not a screw at all, but the driver that screws all the flat heads.
A jew looks like the white people who the jew rules over. And the jew drives all the white people by owning the banks and controlling all corporation,s government and institutions by means of having monopoly power over the money supply and banking.
a) in German it's called Schraubendreher (screw-turner)...why does Pig-Latin (English) use screw-driver? Notice how easy it is to screw oneself when trying to drive a corkscrew...
b) six-pointed star aka six mechanical powers (lever; wheel/axle; pulley; inclined plane; wedge; screw)
c) rhetorical message: "screwing over the slits"
d) Philips: "cease & desist notice incoming"
When I go through grandpa's old hardware, I see mostly flat head screws.
Most modern screws are phillips or else "torq" shaped screws. I'm guessing they allow for more torque without stripping out the screw head.
Real niggas improvise and use a rubberband