posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +6 / -1

Loser conspiracy theories

In his recent post, the anonymous European right-wing environmentalist Radagast derides the conspiracy theories of loser White males:

As a child of the online right, I can only ever speak to you through absurdism and post-irony. …

he really genuinely became convinced by another anonymous low status white male in the Zero Hedge comment section that the polar reversal a Russian scientist predicts will happen by the year 2035 will trigger a new ice age.

He lives in an alternate reality. One where the Earth is flat, 6000 years old, the climate has always been changing, the moon landing never happened, the WTC was destroyed by space lasers, the whole planet’s population could live in Texas, bigfoot teleports from one dimension into another, the Titanic was sunk to bring in the Federal Reserve system and where the tapwater makes you gay and docile.

Guys who show up and get very angry and call me a soyboy beta cuck. … who get really angry at me, [are] authentic low status white males.

Radagast has been very good on the scientific side of the plandemic, and has recently begun to suspect that the low-status white males (LSWMs) might even be accidentally right about it being a giant conspiracy. I felt he was having a teachable moment, but he declined my comment. Therefore I expanded it into this post.

Sci-fi reply

There was a moon landing, they're just lying about why they stopped going back. Otherwise we'd have a Moon base tucked safely under rock instead of the cramped and fragile International Space Station.

bigfoot teleports from one dimension into another

No, he teleports via trees. Dimensional phasing is more akin to shapeshifting. If you've ever had a dream where you floated around your house, congratulations, you've been to our neighboring astral dimension.

Does Radagast really think planet-killing petrochemical industry is the only path to ascension? That the worldwide pyramid network is a coincidence? That humans are the firstborn of this galaxy?

Either the myriad signs that we are not alone are an absurd coincidence, or the illusion that we are alone is carefully constructed by an Unseen World infinitely more advanced.

Why an illusion? Well, why incarnate at all? Why watch a movie instead of reading the script? Why play a video game instead of watching the cutscenes? The only way to get life experience is to live life.

Why don't superior aliens simply conquer us, like the Conquistadors? To comply with the Cosmic Law of Free Will, which was violated by warring ET factions, in a conflict partially described by the Mahabharata's depiction of WMDs. When the Law comes down, it comes down hard. Where is the Spanish Empire now?

MAD exists on a galactic scale; the resolution is that planetary autonomy is largely respected, to minimize interplanetary warfare. When planets start dying, nobody wins. How do you block a gamma burst?

Radagast, a nascent shaman who has walked in the dream world with the aid of drugs, should intuitively understand the reality of the Unseen World.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." – Sherlock Holmes

Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film analysis. 4K stabilised colour | YouTube

I was a hard sci-fi fan who proudly despised woo such as astrology. Being disabled left me lots of time to explore rabbit holes, which led me to doubt my dismissals of UAPs. I discovered that the amount of disinfo surrounding the alien phenomenon is deliberately overwhelming due to the agency of superior intelligences with paranormal powers. The degree of skepticism required to navigate it vastly exceeds what so-called skeptics exercise. Real skepticism begins with "Cogito, ergo sum."

Stick to the physical, and build off of those hardpoints to determine whether a source is lying. The Patterson-Gimlin footage is an example of pivotal physical evidence. The Moon is another.

Anyone who wishes can verify the reality of xenos contact for themselves, by using an infrared camera to record cloaked UFOs traversing the skies at theoretically impossible speeds, vastly outpacing known aircraft or low-flying insects in body-lengths per second.

Identified Flying Objects: Cloaked Ships Over Atlanta - Trailer | Youtube

As for racism, it is discouraging to discover that as Ashkenazim are the counter to Whites, Whites were unleashed to erase the older shamanistic human variants and their connection to Nature with it, which we have done on two continents after we sank Atlantis. Our technology allowed the Bantu to expand similarly in Africa. The planet's biome can survive Jews indefinitely, but not Whites. See Sunbow's Sasquatch Message trilogy for our planet's forgotten history.

If this amazing story is true, why doesn't somebody go about proving it? Well, what do you think would happen if history's biggest debt and derivatives bubble were popped by the resulting panic? A central banking fiat currency is based on lies, and requires lies to persist.

Inconvenient somebodies tend to die anomalously of cancer and heart attacks unless they have protection and circumspection. For an example of a circumspect announcement, see Medvedev's, suppressed in US news media.

Nothing I have said is ironic or exaggerated. I forgive Radagast for being a soyboy beta cuck; it's our fault for conquering Europe.

[PIC: global US military bases]