I often times cut and paste wholesale, but I will also link to the original post when I do. So u/Zap_Powerz? Maybe you can shed some light on this issue. Is this a new iteration of your earlier work, or someone else's?
The bulk of the original text is that of the first three paragraphs, with minor edits there after.
Unique text:
Now Im not biblical scholar or anything, but Ive read the bible enough times to know that Jesus never taught genocide as a matter of faith. So why did the Catholic Church wage a holy war against a bunch of pacifists?
Speculation: The Catholic church was a tool of Satan from the very beginning and every Christian Church that sprang from its evil roots (which is all of them) are poisoned fruit of an evil tree.
This is not to say that the actual teachings of Christ are to be confused with the organization known as the Catholic
Oh, I get it now. It's all cut and pasted directly from the linked article:
Did you fucking miss the link I posted in my OP retard?
Did you miss the part where I acknowledge that in my comment? Though edit, it was some hours ago. In fact it only took me minutes before adding that edit. And what? 2 hours later you still have not realized your mistake.
Can't believe I'm saying this but great post Zap. Have an updoot.
ORIGINAL 12.3% Make it unique
I often times cut and paste wholesale, but I will also link to the original post when I do. So u/Zap_Powerz? Maybe you can shed some light on this issue. Is this a new iteration of your earlier work, or someone else's?
The bulk of the original text is that of the first three paragraphs, with minor edits there after.
Unique text:
Oh, I get it now. It's all cut and pasted directly from the linked article:
Adding his own slant as a header.
Did you miss the part where I acknowledge that in my comment? Though edit, it was some hours ago. In fact it only took me minutes before adding that edit. And what? 2 hours later you still have not realized your mistake.
Here. I will Quote myself:
Please. Do better in the future won't you?
Yeah. I'll be honest, I don't see any original takes or theories here.