posted ago by Traxx ago by Traxx +1 / -4

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know you're active. Just find more places for your voice to be heard. Even if all people in here combine to work against the NWO, we won't make a dent... We can seek more places to voice the truth.

  1. How many did Bill Cooper influence?

  2. How many did Assange influence?

  3. How many did Gary Webb influence?

You can pick any 5 people that agree with you to create a team that will:

  1. Find new places.

  2. Create documented material.

  3. Follow-up on any comments.

It seems easy, but I bet no one has that luxury. Yet, we are in a place that we should be able to find at least 5 likeminded people. Any 5-6 people are way more than any of the influencers I mentioned above. This is REAL POWER that can be used, if you really want to make a difference. If you keep working for your own ego to reach these people, then I am sorry because you are missing the point... Right now, the sheeple need saving, we don't. They need a good shepherd.

All you need in a team is the following:

  1. A video editor (pretty sure this is 1 out of 3 in here already)

  2. A deep researcher (those stats are pretty low, but still many are available to sit through the documentaries that you skip)

  3. An active researcher (news, propaganda, comment replies - all could be up to date with such assistance)

You don't have to bear all this on your shoulders. You are currently, I get it. But there is potential that is being missed in here. What if a team is able to share the weight you carry alone?

I understand... reliable people are hard to come by... Even harder if you don't look for them. So, try to find some solutions to our current problem. The current problem is that we are too few. Our voice is not heard as much as we want. It is possible to combine our force, not easy, but possible.

It is sad to see petty bickering over tiny details that hardly matter in the long run when we try to fight off this huge enemy! Have none of you used the sentences "I know we disagree on this topic, but can we review it later when both of us have found sufficient information on it?" or this one "I see we cannot agree on this tiny, little, minute detail just now, but can we agree that we are fighting for the same ideal?"? Just a template of how to seek unity in disagreement. This is actually possible... And the works of this forum for so many years being active don't match that scenario...

Well, you are the people that can change that. You and whoever else has the same ideals. You want to defeat the NWO? Then you must know that you are NOT ALONE. Then why don't you seek to unite? The enemy is united and clearly stronger.... You want to take that alone? When so much potential lies before us when we only remove our arrogance/ego first.

If you find yourself in any of the details mentioned above, you can do a difference today - alone.

  1. You can offer your help in the required fields or fields that I didn't mention.

  2. You can FIND NEW CHANNELS. The more you seek to be heard, the more you will be heard. Did whistleblowers blew their whistle against the wall at home? Or did they seek more people?

  3. You can be active in replies, posts, well-documented materials. Any action in the right direction is a battle against the enemy. But the enemy is still united through fear. We need to be united through love. Love of Truth. Love of Freedom. Love of Hope.

We can be united in ideals against this enemy. I refuse to believe anyone who is without hope. That's all you need to do - believe in people, don't believe the enemy is stronger! If you have the Truth on your side, then USE IT, TODAY, EVEN NOW!

But it would be so much better to have some friends backing you up!