a) Trump and Biden are the ones representing suggested Trumpism and Bidenism aka playing the idols for the narrative charade upon the wall.
b) the wall represents those who consent to Trumpism and Bidenism ignoring those who play Trump and Biden.
c) the powers that be (tptb) represent those suggesting the cave; while gaining ownership over it as long as others consent to remain within it.
d) tptb suggest those who watch the wall that those who choose to not watch the wall represent traitors to the message.
Only perceivable nature represents TRA'ITOR, noun [Latin traditor; trado, to deliver.] hence delivering every scenario playing within; no matter which role those within choose to play.
e) consider the allegory from the perspective of oneself...suggested fiction (trump + biden by the powers that be) tempting one to remain within the cave of ignorance, while ignoring perceivable reality outside the self imposed cave of ignorance.
What if choosing want (suggested) over need (perceivable) tempts one to view need as traitorous to want, hence the need to let go feeling like self betrayal to the want to hold onto?
f) suggested Platoism tempts one to ignore perceivable PLATONIC (unmixed with carnal desires) aka being different (living) tempted by sameness (process of dying)...spirit implies resisting being moved; carnal implies wanting to hold onto the flesh while being moved.
You can tell who was sleeping in american history classes, when people say stupid shit like, january 6th was the worst insurrection ever.
How can you be so fucking oblivious that you dont realize that declaring independence and fighting a war tops that.
Thats why I say, they must have been the people that were sleeping in the back.
a) Trump and Biden are the ones representing suggested Trumpism and Bidenism aka playing the idols for the narrative charade upon the wall.
b) the wall represents those who consent to Trumpism and Bidenism ignoring those who play Trump and Biden.
c) the powers that be (tptb) represent those suggesting the cave; while gaining ownership over it as long as others consent to remain within it.
d) tptb suggest those who watch the wall that those who choose to not watch the wall represent traitors to the message.
Only perceivable nature represents TRA'ITOR, noun [Latin traditor; trado, to deliver.] hence delivering every scenario playing within; no matter which role those within choose to play.
e) consider the allegory from the perspective of oneself...suggested fiction (trump + biden by the powers that be) tempting one to remain within the cave of ignorance, while ignoring perceivable reality outside the self imposed cave of ignorance.
What if choosing want (suggested) over need (perceivable) tempts one to view need as traitorous to want, hence the need to let go feeling like self betrayal to the want to hold onto?
f) suggested Platoism tempts one to ignore perceivable PLATONIC (unmixed with carnal desires) aka being different (living) tempted by sameness (process of dying)...spirit implies resisting being moved; carnal implies wanting to hold onto the flesh while being moved.