posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +5 / -1

On J6, Trump published a pre-recorded video to Twitter, quickly taken down, calling for dispersal.

Significance explained at this link:

Before invoking the powers under the Insurrection Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse. (Wikipedia) (


It goes deeper than this. SCOTUS precedents regarding the Insurrection Act clearly define that both sides must acknowledge a rebellion or insurrection has occurred for the military to act (martial law and suspension of habeas corpus); however, the two sides do not need to agree on who is committing the insurrection/rebellion.

By making this declaration, President Trump fulfilled his side of the equation. By calling J6 an insurrection, the Dems and Cabal fulfilled theirs.

Ex Parte Milligan gives some great insights. So does Moyer vs Peabody.

Enjoy, all!

Devolution of the presidency's military powers to certain generals followed, according to Continuity of Government plans put in place during the Cold War, as a contingency against the KGB stealing an election. The USG is currently split between two presidencies, like the two popes period. Trump's presidency is conditional on periodic reelection by the junta.



Then why not come out and announce to everyone on the planet that the insurrection act is in force? Why not announce it on Twitter, or TruthSocial, or any social media platform? Why not make it official? And by that I mean screaming it from the rooftops and all the social media platforms?

Why not start another civil war, but nuclear this time, and destroy the Constitution?

One can examine the Roman Republic's violent transition to Empire for an historical example of what would ensue.

The Soviet empire collapsed without nuking the planet. Now it is the US empire's turn to hopefully do the same. (Yes it's an imperial republic, like Athens' thalassocracy. Taxation is via petrodollar seigniorage.)

The indictment and arrest of Trump sets a lawful precedent which can be used against the two Democrats presidents responsible: Obama and Biden.

lol Qanon

The US mainstream media donates overwhelmingly Democrat. They are substantially integrated with the Federal bureaucracy. If you only listen to them, you are committed to regime propaganda.

Qanon claims to be a psyop run by Trump's military intelligence backers. Qanon admits to publishing misleading, false or disinfo. He is not used as a source here.

The words "coup" and "junta" exist because this sort of thing is commonplace. The belief that it cannot happen in the USA is American exceptionalism at its finest.

Anacyclosis applies to the USA. FDR was the USA's last dictator. It is time for another one to emerge. The contest is currently between Obama (proxy Biden) and Trump. The stresses threaten to end the formal Republic.

You do not have to like either party to recognize the natural process of political polarization occurring. Regardless of your preferences, you should desire a non-nuclear resolution. It is alarming how little people seem to care about this.

Personally, I would rather see the USA split into several countries. There is no need to have a united continent. The European Union didn't work out, and neither will the USA. I guess it'd be the Confederates, the Union, the mid-west, and the West. Nothing stops the new countries from cooperating if they genuinely get along.

The problem is that the USA has grown by orders of magnitude since the Constitution was written, and doesn't have enough layers now. The population of the USA was originally about 2.5 million; now it's 332 million. That's a 133x increase. Imagine if your company grew 133x but kept the same managerial org chart!

Look at the structure of the US Army, for example: A squad is 6-10 soldiers, a platoon is 3-4 squads, a company is 3-4 platoons, and a battalion is 3-5 companies. So a battalion has about 392 soldiers.

If the US army grew 133x, then a squad would have 1,064 soldiers, and a battalion 52,136 soldiers. Obviously this is just a mob.