Like you, provaxxers are retarded sCiEnCe cultists. Life expectancy is going down but MoDeRn mEdIcInE is super scientific, huh? I bet you think we landed on the moon too. Do you wear a NASA shirt on social media to show all your SJW friends how smart you are? Did you get jabbed? And we know you are too stupid to understand heteronormative roles that have been around for millennia, so I guess we know all these answers already.
Like you, provaxxers are retarded sCiEnCe cultists. Life expectancy is going down but MoDeRn mEdIcInE is super scientific, huh? I bet you think we landed on the moon too. Do you wear a NASA shirt on social media to show all your SJW friends how smart you are? Did you get jabbed? And we know you are too stupid to understand heteronormative roles that have been around for millennia, so I guess we know all these answers already.
Fuck off, $cIeNcE tard.
Who told you that life expectancy is going down? A scientist?
Who told you that it isn’t? The media?
I am not claiming that it's going up or down.
So, who told you? You made the claim, can you substantiate it?
Yes, I can. Any other questions?