Public Service Announcement: FTN is ultimately, like so many alternative media outlets, disinfo.
A few years back I heard an episode where they exposed Alexander Hamilton. They came up with extremely deep research about all his connections to Jewry. Quite informative and quite damning.
But I happened to have read a paper about Hamilton by Miles Mathis, another disinfo agent. He detailed Hamilton's connections to the British aristocracy. (Did you know there was literally a member of the peerage named Alexander Hamilton alive at the same time as the American one?) FTN mentioned not a single bit of this. Do I think they could have simply overlooked it? No way.
So They give out info about the Jews to the Jew-haters, because they know they're foolish enough to think that's where it ends. That's how They keep those people from finding out anything more. The same goes for the flip side.
When smart and knowledgeable people who are "on your side" are saying all the things you want to hear, that's when you need to get your guard up. IOW, if you think you're already on to the game and playing it well, make sure it's not the one They set up for you.
Public Service Announcement: FTN is ultimately, like so many alternative media outlets, disinfo.
A few years back I heard an episode where they exposed Alexander Hamilton. They came up with extremely deep research about all his connections to Jewry. Quite informative and quite damning.
But I happened to have read a paper about Hamilton by Miles Mathis, another disinfo agent. He detailed Hamilton's connections to the British aristocracy. (Did you know there was literally a member of the peerage named Alexander Hamilton alive at the same time as the American one?) FTN mentioned not a single bit of this. Do I think they could have simply overlooked it? No way.
So They give out info about the Jews to the Jew-haters, because they know they're foolish enough to think that's where it ends. That's how They keep those people from finding out anything more. The same goes for the flip side.
When smart and knowledgeable people who are "on your side" are saying all the things you want to hear, that's when you need to get your guard up. IOW, if you think you're already on to the game and playing it well, make sure it's not the one They set up for you.