"Transgenders" "exist" only in same manner as "Napoleons" and "Cryptarch of Universe". It is the same ilness, when a person pose himself as another person he could not be, nothing more.
In modern times, however, as this mentally ill persons began to get preferences, some people began to declare themselves as "transgenders" just to get that preferences.
That's all.
Menwhile, the whole idea of "genders" is based on pure hypocrisy. If a person could randomly select his "gender", than, following the same logic, person could freely select race, etnicity, bloodline and so on. But suddenly, if one say he is a nigger, being white, or that he chose to belong to British royal family, then he will be in the best case attacked by woke crowd, and in the worst case detained into psychiatric clinic forever.
It is very funny to troll woke idiots with that their hypocrisy. They absolutely can't withstand it.
"Transgenders" "exist" only in same manner as "Napoleons" and "Cryptarch of Universe". It is the same ilness, when a person pose himself as another person he could not be, nothing more.
In modern times, however, as this mentally ill persons began to get preferences, some people began to declare themselves as "transgenders" just to get that preferences.
That's all.
Menwhile, the whole idea of "genders" is based on pure hypocrisy. If a person could randomly select his "gender", than, following the same logic, person could freely select race, etnicity, bloodline and so on. But suddenly, if one say he is a nigger, being white, or that he chose to belong to British royal family, then he will be in the best case attacked by woke crowd, and in the worst case detained into psychiatric clinic forever.
It is very funny to troll woke idiots with that their hypocrisy. They absolutely can't withstand it.