More proof Christianity is a failed religion is how it failed to defend the institution of marriage. Every christian denomination and their representatives in government rolled over.
A supreme court with what? 3 jews on it. Why do jews make up 2% of the population but 33% of the court to shove sodomite marriage down our throats?
Also, Christianity doesn't even promote fertility and large families and children. The jew invented the birth control pill and every white christian fed the pills to his wife. Fucking sellouts.
More proof Christianity is a failed religion is how it failed to defend the institution of marriage. Every christian denomination and their representatives in government rolled over.
A supreme court with what? 3 jews on it. Why do jews make up 2% of the population but 33% of the court to shove sodomite marriage down our throats?
Also, Christianity doesn't even promote fertility and large families and children. The jew invented the birth control pill and every white christian fed the pills to his wife. Fucking sellouts.