The release of the bioweapon was deliberate, and the "faulty" vaccine is intentionally designed as Part B of the two-part epoxy that we call VAIDS/turbocancer.
You could tell that 9/11 was a scripted demolition because of building 7. The plane that hit that building never hit the building, yet still it fell. Also yet still, the News Reporter claimed the building had collapsed before it actually fell, as though they knew the future. Fact-check Link
Covid is the same. Netflix movie Pandemic by Bill Gates released in the 6-months between the Epstein's arrest and the covid release.
Bill Gates enacted Epstein's Dead Man's Switch: Bill Gates has lab in Wuhan. Bill Gates has reach into Pfizer. Bill Gates had a motive to release it, being outed as a pedo.
I might be at a 7. You seem more like a 4. You probably sleep better than I do.
You call it a 7, but I would call that a 4.
The release of the bioweapon was deliberate, and the "faulty" vaccine is intentionally designed as Part B of the two-part epoxy that we call VAIDS/turbocancer.
You could tell that 9/11 was a scripted demolition because of building 7. The plane that hit that building never hit the building, yet still it fell. Also yet still, the News Reporter claimed the building had collapsed before it actually fell, as though they knew the future. Fact-check Link
Covid is the same. Netflix movie Pandemic by Bill Gates released in the 6-months between the Epstein's arrest and the covid release.
Bill Gates enacted Epstein's Dead Man's Switch: Bill Gates has lab in Wuhan. Bill Gates has reach into Pfizer. Bill Gates had a motive to release it, being outed as a pedo.
I might be at a 7. You seem more like a 4. You probably sleep better than I do.