posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +5 / -1

Reptilians are all around the universe just like humanoids are also from many different planets.

On Earth they stem from the Raptor dinosaur. Other dinosaurs died for being too big and eating up all the food.

Reptiles have a hard time connected brain to heart due to their older model bodies. Mammals have newer model bodies but there will be even newer models after us in the future. We can connect easier with our brain to our heart. This establishes most morals. Without the connection People don’t care what happens but also incur bad karma which bounces back at them as a teaching tool (reap what you so).

The Reptilians are working for an evil group called Archons who are a bunch of highly disturbed souls who devolved due to their evil ways. When souls devolve too much, insanity sets in because it separates brain from soul because the soul wants good but if the brain wants bad then they are apart from each other.

These Reptilians basically run the deep state and the banks. Many politicians and actors are reptilians. The spinning snake logo is their snake cult symbol. Same with the self eating snake. They call Lucifer “The Father” and seek to enslave, exploit and even destroy life itself in rebellion to God. They are willing to do anything even pretend fo be God in order to enslave others. There are some good Reptilians too and I believe David Icke himself is a good one.

They shapeshift somehow by using their lower 2 chakras and developed psychic powers. They can hypnotize people who look into their eyes for a few seconds. They can spit poison and have sharp nails. They are full blown warrior builds. There aren’t many of them though probably due to their violent nature. Violent species usually end up going extinct. They are housed underground and show up to the surface for enslavement purposes.

Btw, there are more powerful good People above them who are willing to assist but want us to save ourselves as a People. They set rules that cannot be broken or else the deep state would suffer the consequences.