Science is merely another ism.In a way they are a religion themselves...
a) RELIGION (Latin religio, to bind anew)...adapting to perceivable represents the natural bond, consenting to suggested represents being bind anew.
b) choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law represents the foundation for every religion.
c) inception towards death represents the perceivable "way" for the perceiving life within, hence wanderer (living) being bound to way (process of dying).
....unless one is a "Scientist"
"-ist" represents ones consent to suggested "-ism".
needs funding to do research
a) foundation (perceivable) represents need for RE (respond to) SEARCH (finding something)...what one can find is self discernment about being partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable).
b) suggested currency tempts those who consent to ignore perceivable current (inception towards death). Currency tempts one to follow; being within current forces one to resist...
Unless they belong to a University...
a) UNI (one) VERSE (short division of any composition) aka one temporary division (living) of ongoing composition (process of dying).
b) belong aka BEING (temporary) within LONG (ongoing).
Science doesn't even acknowledge
Knowledge is implied in SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] needs to discern perceivable (science) for self, while resisting suggested (scientism).
a) RELIGION (Latin religio, to bind anew)...adapting to perceivable represents the natural bond, consenting to suggested represents being bind anew.
b) choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law represents the foundation for every religion.
c) inception towards death represents the perceivable "way" for the perceiving life within, hence wanderer (living) being bound to way (process of dying).
"-ist" represents ones consent to suggested "-ism".
a) foundation (perceivable) represents need for RE (respond to) SEARCH (finding something)...what one can find is self discernment about being partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable).
b) suggested currency tempts those who consent to ignore perceivable current (inception towards death). Currency tempts one to follow; being within current forces one to resist...
a) UNI (one) VERSE (short division of any composition) aka one temporary division (living) of ongoing composition (process of dying).
b) belong aka BEING (temporary) within LONG (ongoing).
Knowledge is implied in SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] needs to discern perceivable (science) for self, while resisting suggested (scientism).