"Freedom Cities": Trump Embraces NWO Agenda21's Smart Cities
Like other politicians around the globe, Trump wants to design cities that will "solve" all our problems. Cities are NOT about freedom. He says we can fit people into 0.5% of the land. Yet Trump syc...
It's called Agenda 47
It's called shit. The worst. It doesn't matter what gimmicks they put in them. They're a disaster. Filthy overpriced shitholes. Full of noise, population, crowding, and inflation.
There is no such thing as a smart city. They're fundamentally stupid. Their only innovation being, how many more idiots can put into them. Until they're all crowded. Then they all start failing more and more and more.
Bigger cities, the only way that title reads. Bigger cities. Full of crap. So smart.
They're not smart cities, they're called freedom cities.
have to post on td dot win how heckin' based these new freedom cities are gonna be
Literally yes. You’ll notice how everyone allowed to be on television supports exactly the same things, even if they use different words to describe them.
War is peace Ignorance is strength Freedom is smart
dude cant even build a fucking wall lol...
trumps ego is bananas