I’m speechless. Do people actually believe this? There is so much to unpack here. China in Russian or Ukrainian is Китай, Kee-tie. Not Chai-nah. Also Чинадиво roughly translates as For-the-miracle. Also as dense as villages and hamlets are in Ukraine I’m surprised it took them whole 50km to find a name with few syllables they were looking for.
You know, you could easily get Qultists to believe this.
vaxxer in chief
the prince of phyzer
I’m speechless. Do people actually believe this? There is so much to unpack here. China in Russian or Ukrainian is Китай, Kee-tie. Not Chai-nah. Also Чинадиво roughly translates as For-the-miracle. Also as dense as villages and hamlets are in Ukraine I’m surprised it took them whole 50km to find a name with few syllables they were looking for.
Wait a minute... butt sex!
I love how retarded Qultists are