PA Community Says 'Not Today Satan,' Shuts Down School Satanic Club - Patriot Newsfeed
Not today Satan! A Pennsylvania school district revoked its previous approval for an after-school Satan club to use its facilities because of the massive public backlash. The club was being promoted for children ages 5 through 12, and it had been approved...
Fuck off wvladimir
There's a reason people with money and time either private or home school their children. If there's anyone who deserves to 'stand in the unemployment line with those scumbags' as they say it would be these useless fucks.
Lol. Lmao, even.
Data shows that home schooled and private schooled students outperform publicly schooled students.
Even left wing rags admit this, despite trying to narrate and make excuses why.
Also, five million Americans can find better, more useful and productive work to perform. We are always told we need to import more illegal aliens to fill the jobs. Get rid of 5 million nefarious indoctrination jobs and put those teachers to work doing laundry, yard work, etc. You know? That work that the DemoKKKrats claim no one wants to do except illiterate illegal uncivilized brown people. I'm sure that advanced degree in gender studies will help them iron shirts and cut grass. Or else, we will learn that these over-educated lazy government employees don't really have any useful skills in life other than filling children's heads with lies. And if they are that fucking useless, then we can impale them. Why keep someone who is useless and unskilled alive in your society?