You hit the nail on the head, in the reverso way the world really operates.
The reason they narrate and re-narrate events is that this is one of the most fundamental techniques of the Ministry of Truth: they keep telling their lies longer than anyone else can keep telling the truth. Simplicity itself, no?
By the time they get to making movies "based on a true story", that is really the "first draft of history". What is presented there will be all that the vast majority of people know about history (for those that know any history at all).
The technique is sublime. Being presented as "entertainment", all faculties of critical thinking are disabled. Also, any remaining normal process of logic gets inverted: "Well, yeah, they have to jazz it up a bit for the movies, but it's basically true." it's not the details that are fabricated, but the core events. It's all very diabolical, really.
The only question remaining is: will people finally learn "the truth" about MH17 on Netflix or HBO Max?
You hit the nail on the head, in the reverso way the world really operates.
The reason they narrate and re-narrate events is that this is one of the most fundamental techniques of the Ministry of Truth: they keep telling their lies longer than anyone else can keep telling the truth. Simplicity itself, no?
By the time they get to making movies "based on a true story", that is really the "first draft of history". What is presented there will be all that the vast majority of people know about history (for those that know any history at all).
The technique is sublime. Being presented as "entertainment", all faculties of critical thinking are disabled. Also, any remaining normal process of logic gets inverted: "Well, yeah, they have to jazz it up a bit for the movies, but it's basically true." it's not the details that are fabricated, but the core events. It's all very diabolical, really.
The only question remaining is: will people finally learn "the truth" about MH17 on Netflix or HBO Max?